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Autumn Road

Exploring paths taking you closer to your goals

About Coaching

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a confidential dialogue between the coach, and yourself. The purpose of the dialogue is to create awareness and actions regarding a specific goal, situation, or challenge where you want to move forward. The process involves identifying a long-term goal, or a vision for the coaching process, which will be guiding the conversation. Coaching also provides an opportunity for reflection on personal values, attitudes, behaviors and actions. Moreover, we also try to look at circumstances from various perspectives. We utilise a range of coaching techniques and tools to achieve this. 


Coaching is not consulting. For the coaching process to work, it is essential that the coachee is willing to take an active part of the process. By exploring opportunities and challenges, we support you to find your own way.


Coaching is not therapy or counselling. There is nothing that we try to “fix” or diagnose, and we stay clear of judging right or wrong. We do however offer feedback from what is observed and picked up during our dialogue.


How does it work?

Coaching can be done face to face, but if not possible, we can use any kind of video communication platform. A private space is essential as we want to be undisturbed and keep our conversations confidential. 


During the scheduled conversation, we typically ask questions in order to generate thinking and ideas for you about the topic at hand. Encouraging, enthusing, providing feedback, and constructively challenging are also important parts of the conversation. Typically, we will also agree on some assignments for you to work on, where it is up to you to implement what we agreed on in our conversation.


My coaching style…

Is relaxed yet attentive. There is no standard format for how a coaching session turns out. I will however use certain frameworks and coaching models to ensure that we don’t loose ourselves in the conversation. I put a lot of emphasis on listening, and connecting to emotions that occur in the conversation. 


I see coaching very much as holding up mirrors for the client. Each mirror might be sitting in a different angle, have different shapes, different frames, and might even show very different reflections of the same object. I see it as my role as a coach to provide and hold these mirrors for you, so you can gain clarity around the topic.



It is common to label coaching in different genres (executive, life, health, parental etc. coaching). We coach most of our clients regarding leadership development. In our experience however, individual development is rarely isolated under one label, so we try to stay from such.


Team Coaching

We work with teams to identify and develop various areas of team dynamics to boost their performance. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you would be interested in a trial session.

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