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As learners, we are passionate about teaching and developing ways to facilitate learning and development. We teach Organizational Leadership and HRM at the eMBA program of Otago University (New Zealand). 

Teaching Philosophy

Through teaching, my aim is to create conditions for transformative learning, engaging students with relevant information, challenges and perspectives, to be better prepared for future tasks.


Teaching involves many different elements, and I consciously try to include practices based on  cognitivism, social constructivism, and to some extent behaviourism, in my teaching. This is reflected through group work, case studies, application of theories etc. All with engaging the students in mind. 


The supporting material can be a mix of literature and other media. Various literature sources are used, but in a University setting it is of course important to use as much peer viewed sources as possible.


I teach students in an international setting in Chinese, English, and Swedish.


For more information,  please contact us directly.


+46 793348633



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